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Feb 19, 2023

What Difference Does It Make - 2

What Difference Does It Make - 2

Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:20-28

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: First Corinthians


KALA: Who is someone or what is something that has made a difference in your life?

Prayer: Psalm 11:1-7

  • I praise You that when I behold Your face, I see ___________________
  • All-seeing, all-knowing Lord, as You test my heart right now, I confess __________________
  • Please bring revival and restore our foundations by _________________
  • I pray that ________ (name) will trust You as their refuge as they face _____________
MESSAGE: 1 Cor 15:20-28
2. Because Christ was resurrected, the cosmos will be restored.

Psa. 22:28