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May 05, 2024

The Process of Spiritual Warfare | 1

The Process of Spiritual Warfare | 1

Passage: Daniel

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: The Book of Daniel


KALA: Have you ever experienced spiritual warfare?

Prayer: people group


Dan. 10


1. We can experience the carrying of a concerning problem.
A. There are many reasons for the problem.
B. There is one main response to the problem.

2 Cor. 10:3-5

1 Pet. 5:7


You can do more than pray after you’ve prayed, but you can’t do more than pray until you’ve prayed.


2. We can experience the coming of a commanding presence.

Jer. 29:13

Rev. 1:12-16

A. We can trust His purity.
B. We can trust His providence.
C. We can trust His prestige.
D. We can trust His power.
E. We can trust His prescience.
F. We can trust His punishment.

Josh. 5:13-15

1 Sam. 17:47


3. We can experience a changing condition of our person. 
A. There is a change to consternation.
B. There is a change in color.
C. There is a change in composition.

Gen. 32:24

Job 42:5-6

Isa. 6:1-7

Luke 5:8

Rev. 6:15-16

2 Kings 8:8-19