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Jan 07, 2024

The King and His Kingdom: The Communication

The King and His Kingdom: The Communication

Passage: Daniel 7:1

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: The Book of Daniel


KALA: How did you celebrate the New Year?

Prayer: 1 Chron. 29:12-16


Dan. 1:1


1. We can read about the telling of the future.  

Matt. 24:15-16


2. We can rely on the truth of the facts of the telling of the future. 
A. We have the documents from history.
a. Archeology 
b. Paleography


B. We have the doings in history.


C. We have the declarations about history.
a. Prophecy authenticates the sovereignty of God.

Isa. 46:9-10

b. Prophecy authenticates the Scriptures of God.

2 Pet. 1:19-23

c. Prophecy authenticates the Son of God.
d. Prophecy authenticates the speaker of God.

Deut. 13:15

Deut. 13:10

e. Prophecy authenticates the sensitivity of God.