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Feb 25, 2024



Passage: John 20:19-23

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: Single Sunday Sermon


KALA: What is something from this past week that you are thankful for?

Prayer: Isa. 6:8


John 20:21-23

Acts 1:8

Matt. 4:19

John 15:16

1. SENT people recognize the particular parts.
A. God is always at work drawing people.

John 5:17

B. God always uses His Word in drawing people.

Rom. 10:13-17

C. God always uses His witnesses in drawing people.

John 20:23

Acts 10:43

2. SENT people realize the prominence of place.

Acts 17:26-27

2 Cor. 2:14

This really sounds like there are spiritual dimensions to this for you. Do you feel like you are on a spiritual journey?

I’ve recently experienced a renewal in my prayer life. Is there anything I can pray for you about?

We’re about to pray and give thanks for our food, is there anything in your life, like family, friends, school, health, finances, that we could pray about?

What does your tradition say about Jesus?

Hey do you have 30 secs to read something that changed my life?

I didn’t grow up in church, but I was a fairly respectable kid. I knew there was a God, but I didn’t know or have a personal relationship with Him. When I was overseas in the military, I went to a church service and heard that Jesus loved me and died to pay for my sin. I fell under deep conviction of my sin. I wanted complete forgiveness and to be right with God. I surrendered my life to Christ that night, and I live everyday with the love and peace of a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Has anything like that happened to you? Does that interest you?

3. SENT people rely on the priority of prayer.
4. SENT people renew the permanent power.

John 20:22

John 5:19

Matt. 11:11

5. SENT people respond to the pervasive platform.