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Aug 11, 2024

Prophetic Revelations Call for a Prepared Response

Prophetic Revelations Call for a Prepared Response

Passage: Daniel 12:4-13

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: The Book of Daniel



KALA: How did you spend the weekend?

Prayer: (Prayer for families, kids to go back to school or to college, etc.)

Message: Dan. 12:4-13

1. The Lord reveals the facts so that I will rely on the Scriptures.
A. Expose yourself to the truth.
B. Evaluate yourself by the truth.
C. Engage yourself with the truth.

2. The Lord regulates the future so that I can rest in His sovereignty.

Rom. 8:28

Eph. 1:11

A. I can exercise self-control.
B. I can express satisfaction.
C. I can experience stability.

3. The Lord requires faithfulness so that I can rejoice in sanctification.

A. Remember the main objective of suffering.
B. Resist the many offerings of Satan, sin, and self.
C. Re-set the mind on the Spirit.

4. The Lord rewards faith so that I will relate with Him specifically.

A. Live with personal responsibility.
B. Live with the promise of resurrection.
C. Live with preparedness to receive.
  • Admit
  • Believe
  • Confess