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Jun 04, 2023

Meeting the Need of Approval

Meeting the Need of Approval

Passage: Romans 14:19

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: Foundations: Love God. Love People.


KALA:  If all you could have on your tombstone was a few words about your character, what words would you like to appear?


PRAYER: Psa. 17:1-15

  • Thank You that Your word strengthened and guided me when . . .
  • I praise You that Your love is steadfast even when I . . .
  • I praise You that You have delivered me from . . .
  • Thank You that Your presence satisfies my need for . . .
  • Lord, as You test my heart, I know You find … I surrender that to You.
  • I pray that Your Spirit would grant me self-control concerning…
  • I confess that my steps do not hold fast to Your path when ... Give me grace to not slip.
  • Show Your steadfast love to ... (name) as they seek refuge in You.
  • I pray for ... (name) as they trust in Your strong right hand in the midst of ...
  • Arise, O Lord, and confront the enemies of Your people as You ...
  • Thank You that You are greater than the ambush of the enemy when he tempts me to ...



Eph. 4:29

Matt. 3:13-17


1. Building up others meets the need of approval.
  • Rom. 14:19
  • 1 Thes. 5:11


2. Boasting of others meets the need of approval.

1 Cor. 15:31

2 Cor. 7:14-15

Matt. 11:11


3. Blessing others meets the need of approval.

Gen. 1:22

Hebrews 11:21

Luke 2:34

Numbers 6:24-26


Pray and ask the Lord about:

  • Who in your life needs you to notice a positive character trait and talk to them about it?
  • Who has acted in a very honorable way? Who needs to be bragged on in front of others?
  • Who needs a handwritten note of approval from you this week?

I admire your ________________. I see this character quality in you when you _______________. I’m grateful you are in my life because ___________________.


John 1:12


Do the Book:

  • Post a picture of someone on social media and brag on this person affirming their character.
  • Meditate on how the Father approves of you.
  • Think of a blessing for each of your children. Then, make it a special occasion and speak it over them.
  • Each day this week, look for a positive character quality in someone in your home.  At the end of the week, share it with them.
  • Create a word cloud with their name in the middle and all the character traits, with examples, around it.
  • Plan a treasure hunt around the house. Tell your child they will find all the reasons why they are your treasure.
  • Tell your spouse, “I’m so glad God gave me you because _______________.”