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Jul 17, 2022

Instructions Concerning Marriage

Instructions Concerning Marriage

Passage: 1 Corinthians 7:8-16

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: First Corinthians


KALA: From the following choices, where in La Grange would you go for ice cream and why? Dairy Queen, Sonic, McDonalds or HEB


Prayer: Psalm 1:1-6


Father, I praise you because You are the source of all blessing, truth, and delight.


I praise You Lord because You are our sustainer and source of fruitfulness.


Holy God, we confess that You are the knowing Judge of the wicked and righteous.


I thank You for Your Word, and I delight in it because ________________.


Like a tree firmly planted by the water, You have given me _____________.


Father, I confess I have walked, stood, and sat in the paths of the ungodly when I ________________.


Holy Spirit, please help _________________ to not walk in the counsel of the wicked.

Deliver ______________ from the path of sin.


Please help me to delight in Your law when I am tempted to _______________.


I trust You to allow me to bear fruit and prosper as I ______________.


May You please give me the ability to graciously share your truth with unbelievers when I _____________.


When I am in doubt, remind me that You know my way when _________________.



1 Cor. 7:8-16


1. For those in a missing state, remain or remarry.

1 Cor. 7:39


2. If you are in a matched state, remain or reconcile.

Matt. 19:5-8

Matt. 5:31-32


3. If you are in a mixed state, remain or release.

1 Pet. 3:15  

Gen. 18:32

1 Pet. 3:1-2

1 John1:9

Psa. 86:5