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Jul 16, 2023



Passage: Exodus 32:1-14

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: Single Sunday Sermon


KALA: Share about a time when you were disappointed.


Prayer: John 20:21


Message: Exod. 32:1


1. Disappointment happens when my hopes and expectations are not aligned with my real time experiences.

Psa. 44:23-24


2. Disappointment says, “God, You have been disobedient to my expectations.”


3. A God who fulfills all your expectations does not exist.

Exod. 32:1-4


4. Disappointment triggers idolatry.


When you are disappointed with God, you will discover the idols of your heart.


When we are trusting God, if He disappoints us, we will turn to idols.


An idol is anything thing that becomes the ultimate thing.


5. When God shows us our idols, we have to let them go.

Exod. 32:5-10


When your disappointed, you can’t move forward until you let go of the idols.


I can choose the way of idolatry or I can choose the way of intimacy.


6. Disappointment is an opportunity to exercise faith.

Exod. 32:7-8a


7. Faith is developed in the pain of the working through the problem of disappointment.


God is more interested in growing your faith than in fulfilling your expectations.

Heb. 11:1

Heb. 11:6


Albert Tate writes, “Strong faith comes from deep rejection, painful losses, doubt, discomfort, [disappointment] and suffering.”


If we always did good and experienced good, we wouldn’t increase our faith but our performance.


If God always immediately responded to you, we wouldn’t increase our faith but our requests.


8. Freedom comes when we surrender our expectations and submit to what He’s expressed.

Exod. 32:9-16

Exod. 32:19

Exod. 32:13

Isa. 26:3

Rom. 8:28


The quality of your life doesn’t so much reflect the skill of God, but it reflects your submission to or lack of submission to what He has expressed in His Word.


9. Jesus is the answer for our disappointment.

 Exod. 32:30-32