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Oct 31, 2021

Confronting Spiritual Darkness

Confronting Spiritual Darkness

Passage: Acts 19:11-20:1

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: Biblical Wisdom for Cultural Concerns


KALA: Are you a fan of candy corn?


Corporate Prayer: Psa. 119:9-16


Acts 19:11-17


  1. The glory of the Kingdom of Jesus cannot be swindled by spiritual darkness.

A. There is exceptional deliverance.

B. There is evil deception.

C. There is an elevation of deity.

Isa. 42:8


A. The gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus cannot be superseded by spiritual darkness.

B. The gospel brings rebirth.

John 5:24

C. The gospel brings repentance.


Rom. 13:12

1 John 5:18


  1. The growth of the Kingdom of Jesus cannot be stopped by spiritual darkness.


A. Those who prosper from sin will try to stop the growth of the Kingdom.

B. Those who persecute the Saints try to stop the growth of the Kingdom.

C. Those who pacify sinners try to stop the growth of the Kingdom.


Matt. 16:18


John 12:35