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Apr 28, 2024

A Profound Prophecy

A Profound Prophecy

Passage: Daniel 9:24-27

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: The Book of Daniel


KALA: What is a recent answer to prayer?  answer to prayer for Walter’s Passport


Prayer: unreached people group


MESSAGE: Dan. 9:24-27


1. The particulars are inconceivable.
a. The predetermined plan: 70 weeks

Lev. 25:1-7

Jer. 29:11


b. The predetermined people: Israel
c. The predetermined place: Jerusalem


2. The purpose is incredible.

Isa. 40:8

Isa. 55:11


a. Jesus has cancelled sin.
- The defiance of sin

Col. 2:13-15

- The deficiency of sin

2 Cor. 5:21

- The distortion of sin

Isa. 53:6

2 Cor. 5:18 

Rom. 5:10

John 1:29

1 Tim. 4:10


b. Jesus will complete salvation.
c. Jesus will confirm the Scriptures.
d. Jesus will consecrate the sanctuary.

Rev. 21:22


3. The period is inevitable.
a. Period of trouble: 1 week or 49 years
b. Period of tragedy: 68 weeks or 476 years (for a total of 69 weeks or 483 years)

Luke 19:41-45

c. Period of a new Testament: unknown time

Eph. 3:5

Eph 3:6

Eph. 3:9

Acts 14:27

Acts 15:14


d. Period of tribulation: 1 week or 7 years (which makes 70 years total)

Luke 19:41-45

Matt. 24:15

2 Thes. 2:3 


e. Period of triumph: eternity

Rev. 20:10

Rev. 21:1-8



4. The practicals are instrumental.
a. Prayer
b. Purpose
c. Providence
d. Precision
e. Pardon
f. Preparation