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Jun 28, 2020

A Picture of an Apostate

A Picture of an Apostate

Passage: Jude 1:12-13

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: Jude: Acts of Apostates


KALA: What is one of your favorite pictures?

When things don’t look right, it could be because we are not looking at the right things.

Jude 12-13


  1. They are dangerous like wreckful rocks.

Rom. 16:17-18


  1. They are deceptive like waterless clouds.

Prov. 25:14

Isa. 55:10-11


  1. They are dead like withered trees.

Prov. 2:22

Matt. 15:13

Jer. 17:7-8

John 15:5-8

John 15:16


  1. They are disturbed like wild waves.

 Isa. 57:20


  1. They are doomed like waning stars.

Matt. 8:12