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Aug 25, 2024

A Disciple Loves People

A Disciple Loves People

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: Marks of a Disciple




KALA: Have you ever been in a situation in which you needed mercy?


Prayer: No Corporate Prayer today



Unless I see people how Jesus sees people, I can’t love people the way people the way Jesus loves people.



1. I need to see what Jesus sees.

Albert Einstein said, Without the sense of fellowship (connection) with otherslife would have seemed to me…empty.”


A. People have been created for close connection and not constant correction.

Genesis 2:18

Mark 8:22-25

John 16:8


You get to SEE PEOPLE the way Jesus sees them, so you can LOVE them the way Jesus loves them!

Mark 8:25


Unless I see people how Jesus sees people, I can’t love people the way people the way Jesus loves people.


B. People have been created as those who deeply matter and are divinely made.

Mark 12:13-17


C. People have been created to need both God personally and God’s people. 

Phil. 4:14

Matthew 26:37-38

John 13:35


2. I need to go how Jesus goes.

Matt. 9:9-13

Matt. 9:10

1 Thes. 2:8

John 20:21


For far too long the Church has been more concerned about ISOLATION and INSULATION than they have about INCARNATION.


3. I need to give like Jesus gives.

Matt. 9:11-13

Rom. 2:4

Eph. 2:4-5

Lamentations 3:21-23