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Aug 18, 2024

A Disciple Loves God

A Disciple Loves God

Preacher: Dr. Steve Brown

Series: Marks of a Disciple


KALA: How was the first week back to school? 

Prayer: Tim and Susan Pylant Group’s Testimony


Unless I see God correctly, I won’t love Him completely.


A.W. Tozer wrote "what comes to your mind when you think about God is the most important thing about you, because it affects everything else in your life."


Mark 12:29-30

Unless I see God correctly, I won’t love Him completely.

John 14:15


1. An incorrect view of God keeps me from loving Him completely.

A. Some see God as an inspecting God.

Unless I see God correctly, I won’t love Him completely.

B. Some see God as a disappointed God.
C. Some see God as a distant God.

Unless I see God correctly, I won’t love Him completely.  

John 14:1-3 

John 14:11-12

John 14:13-14


2. An incredible view of God keeps me loving Him completely.

Unless I see God correctly, I won’t love Him completely.

Col. 1:15-17, 19 

John 14:9


A. Jesus is not inspecting me, but He is praying for me.  


Heb. 7:25

Luke 22:32-33


B. Jesus is not disappointed in me, but He is passionate about me.


John 11:35

John 11:36

John 11:45

Isa. 53:3

Unless I see God correctly, I won’t love Him completely.


C. Jesus is not distant from me, but He is pursuing me.

Luke 19:1-10 

Luke 19:5

Luke 19:6

Luke 19:7-10


Unless I see God correctly, I won’t love Him completely.

Isa. 30:18

Heb. 7:25